Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sew Much Trouble!

Nope.  It's not a typo.  I am in "sew" much trouble.  I have discovered something.  I guess I knew it was there, but finally got the courage to look this week.  I have stepped into the world of crafter's blogs.  Did you know that there are millions of them?!  They have all of these incredible pictures and tutorials!  I now have about a ten thousand million and seventy two things I want to make.  (That's a Caleb number by the way...he's always making up crazy numbers.)

So now in my favorites I have this "To Make" folder.  It's filling up quite quickly.  I keep adding more and more things every day.  I have no idea how I'll find the time to make all of these things, but I can't stop looking for more!

I go to Quilt Camp next month.  While I am there I am planning to work on a quilt top, but I also plan to make these I Spy Bags.  Don't they look like fun?  I'm already collecting things to put inside them.  I was thinking it might be fun to make a girly one too, so one of my friends little girls may be surprised with her own I Spy Bag.

The other night I needed a break from the quilt squares I was making so I tried this project:  Isn't it just gorgeous!  It is however, very time consuming so if I were to make a quilt like this it would take me 25 years at least.  So I think I'll settle for a pillow.  I'll post pictures of the pillow in 5 years when I'm done with it.  :o)

Anyway, can you see why I am in Sew Much Trouble?  This is why I haven't blogged since Tuesday.  Every time I get on the computer I am drawn to look at these blogs.  I might need a 12 Step Program, but I don't want to start it just yet.  lol  So if you're looking for something to do today...check out a crafting blog, but don't say I didn't warn you.

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