Our family had two opportunities presented to us today.
Number One - Today Denver went to get some glasses. We all went along so that I could help Denver pick out his frames. Of course the boys got antsy while we were waiting, so while Denver was having his exam the boys and I went across the parking lot to Petco. While we were there the boys found the perfect little kitty. (As background, our family had some bad experiences with a dog this summer so decided to get the boys a kitten. The kitten was very sweet, but we think it was given to us to early and it died. Needless to say, our boys have had a rough time as far as pets go.) Anyway, today they found this beautiful orange/carmel color 4 month old kitten. She's already spayed, very sweet, playful, and wasn't scared of my three crazy boys coming at her.
So Denver and I discussed spending the $80.00 to buy her. On top of the price we would then have to add the price of having her declawed. (I know, I know...many people don't like the idea of declawing, but that's one of the rules if we have a cat.) So we're talking somewhere around $150.00 for the cat, but we brought home the application and were really ready to fill it out. Then came the next opportunity.
Number Two - Denver went to Haiti this summer on a Mission Trip. He saw and experienced miracles first hand. It was a once in a life time trip, except now he's getting a second chance to go again. Denver got an email today from a lady who is starting a Non-Profit Organization to support a school in Haiti that would be ran by the pastor that Denver met and lived with while in Haiti. The organization is Hearts United with Haiti (http://heartsunitedwithhaiti.blogspot.com/). The email that he received was asking him to return to Haiti to visit the site of this school and then become Vice President of the Hearts United with Haiti Organization! What an opportunity! The downfall is that we would have to come up with the money for this trip on our own. The $150.00 that we would spend on a kitten is a good start.
So when we look at the two opportunities presented, kitty or Haiti, it's obvious to adults which one is more important in the overall scheme of things. However, such things are not as clear to a six year old who says, "But this kitty loves me so much."
Tonight at dinner Ben and I were talking about the kitty and his daddy going back to Haiti. His first comment is that he doesn't want his daddy to go because he'll miss him again. His second comment is that he really really wants this kitty. I took some time to talk to Ben about the earthquake in Haiti. He's heard some of it before from Denver's last trip. Tonight we talked more about how the boys and girls there still don't have homes or schools. Children not having schools really bothers Ben as he is a child that absolutely loves school and was really disappointed that Christmas break lasted so long.

Now, Ben is only six. He learning to make good choices and isn't always the kindest child. Also, I'm sure that tomorrow or even before bed tonight he's going to ask for the kitten again, but I am so blessed to have a young boy that can show compassion for others even at his own cost. Oh, how I love him.
It's amazing how God touches us through our kids, and we help our kids to make great choices in Him!
ReplyDeleteWow...Ben's decision is amazing...yes, he made me tear up.
ReplyDeleteGod, Thank you for a family that loves you and understands sacrifice for the good of others.
ReplyDeleteOops, the above comment was supposed to be on my account not my wife's.