I used to listen to country music a lot. Especially when I was in high school. My friend Steph and I would drive around in her car singing. She would sing loud while I was a little more quiet. (Don't worry, she knows this is the truth and wouldn't be offended by the comment. :o) Some songs were fun and crazy. Then when songs like "Someone Else's Star" by Bryan White came on, we would get really quiet and just know that he was singing about us.
I don't listen to country music very often any more. One night last week I was driving home from church. I was alone. It was dark. I wanted to sing to the radio. I turned on WFRN, but it was Odyssey time....not really for me. Then I hit Pulse, but it was a commercial break. So next I switched over the the country station. I don't really remember what was playing at first. It was a song I knew, so at least I fulfilled my urge to sing out loud and alone in the car.
The next song on was "Unanswered Prayers" by Garth Brooks. I know, the song can be a little cheesy. But I knew the words and continued to sing a long. The words made me start to reflect a little on my own life. Now, I don't think God leaves prayers unanswered. Sometimes he answers yes, sometimes wait and sometimes his answer is just no. I think sometimes we feel like it was unanswered when we don't get the results we want in a timely fashion.
Anyway, it made me think about my past. The things I've prayed for and wanted so badly. And you know what? I am so very thankful that his answer was "no". Like most people, I have chosen to be in bad relationships and friendships. The people I was with and the things that we did together didn't honor God and they weren't healthy for me. At the time, in the back of my mind, I knew these things. I knew they were poor choices, but even still I prayed that God would help everything thing to work out with that person or those friends. I spent many nights up crying and begging God to answer my prayers with a yes.
That night in the car I spent some time thinking about what my life might be like now if I'd gotten what I so badly wanted then. I am so thankful. I am so glad that I serve a God who loves me. A Father that won't always give me what I want, what I think is best or what I deserve. A God who tells me "no".
If I had gotten what I wanted then, I may not even have a relationship with God now. I wouldn't be with my amazing and loving husband. I wouldn't have my three handsome and crazy boys. I am blessed.....so blessed, because his answer was "no".
Oh friend! I so, so hear ya! I was thinking about this same thing the other day and how grateful I am that God not only said no, but broke my heart in a million pieces. I had to be devestated to wake up. I'm so glad you passed on your blog to me! I'll add it to my reader list!