Wednesday, February 23, 2011

One of My Favorites!

I was just closing the computer when I saw one of my favorite pictures of all three boys. 
Aren't they cute?  My mom took this one after taking them apple picking in the fall.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Book Review - Regret Free Parenting

I recently discovered  It is a website that will send you free books as long as you agree to write a review and post it to your blog and another site such as or  Since I love to read, I thought this would be a great idea for me.  I got my first book several weeks ago and below you will see my first review.

Just FYI - I was going to have a giveaway and pass along this wonderful book to one of my parent friends, but my little Eli sat a wet washcloth down on top of the book so now it's a little damaged.  Oh well....the joys of motherhood!  :o)  Maybe next time, friends.

“Regret Free Parenting:  Raise Good Kids and Know You're Doing it Right” by Catherine Hickem is a standout when it comes to books on parenting.  This book gives seven principals of intentional motherhood.  Every mother has hopes, desires and visions for her children.  Mothers can’t just “hope” their children turn out to be mature, responsible, caring, Christ-centered adults.  We have to be intentional about helping our children become who God has created them to be.  This book can help every mother to become an intentional mother.

I loved that while this book was practical, it didn’t give step by step instructions that only work for some children.  Regret Free Parenting brings up issues that all mothers know their children need help with and then shows parents how their behavior, words, actions or lack thereof, affects their children.  The book was easy to read.  Each time I read a section I was able to come away with one thing that I could do immediately.  One time it was simply being intentional about telling my kids that I am so happy and blessed because they are my children.

My one suggestion when reading this book is that you read it with a highlighter in hand.  There will be many passages that you want to mark and reread later.  Regret Free Parenting is a great resource for mothers everywhere.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

Monday, February 21, 2011

Acting Out Stories Can Be Painful

Our family has started something new.  Denver and I decided that we needed to be more intentional about reading the Bible to our boys, so every night after dinner we've decided to read a story to them out of Egermeiers Bible Story Book. 

So far we've read three stories.  Nights number one and number two went perfectly.  The boys were really interested in creation.  They got involved and we went over and over what things were made on certain days.  Ben thinks it's pretty cool that God made Adam out of dust and "blew into him to make him come alive."  (He's right.  It is pretty cool.) 

The next night we read about Adam and Eve being tempted by the serpent and eating the forbidden fruit.  Denver asked the boys if they knew what a serpent was...Caleb answered, "Someone who does things for someone else".  Servant...serpent....hmmmm.  Not quite, but thanks buddy.  They can be so cute.

And then there was last night.  The story was "The First Children".  We started out ok.  Denver read the first part of the story about how Adam and Eve had two boys, Cain and Abel.  Then we got to the part where they built an alter and Denver decided it would be good to act out the story.  He sent the boys to their rooms to get their pillows.  Ben and Caleb brought back two, but Eli brought out one pillow and Bullseye from Toy Story. 

Denver and the boys piled up the pillows to make their alter.  Denver told Ben that he could be Cain and told Caleb that he would be Abel.  Then we went on to read that Abel brought the fattest lamb to put on the alter.  Poor Bullseye became the lamb.  (I know, I cringed and "awwwww"ed too.)  Then Ben, or Cain, got to put his vegetables (or the leaf of a house plant) on the alter.  Of course God was not happy with Cain's offering.  This made Cain angry.

Poor Bullseye looks much happier here
than he did on the pillow alter last night!
We then read the that Cain and Abel were later working in the field.  Cain is so angry with Abel that they fight and Cain kills Abel.  (As you can probably guess, this is where our little story time turns painful.)  Denver tells the two boys to act like they are fighting and then to act like Cain (Ben) kills Abel (Caleb). 

The boys started by growling at each other.  Then their claw like hands came out.  Before we knew it they were wrestling.  This wasn't too big of a surprise since it is an everyday occurrence in our house.  Next Caleb falls to his hands and knees with Ben on top of him.  By this time Denver and I are both telling them to stop; however before Ben can get off, Caleb's arms collapse and his forehead hits the hard floor.  Ouch!  Caleb started crying and our story time ended with Daddy holding Caleb and Ben saying "I didn't mean to!  I was being Cain!"

As Ben, Eli and I were cleaning up the pillows and poor Bullseye, I heard Denver say to Caleb, "Just wait until we get to David and Goliath, Caleb.  You can be David." 

And there you have it.  Good old family time at our house.  ha!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Unanswered Prayers

I used to listen to country music a lot.  Especially when I was in high school.  My friend Steph and I would drive around in her car singing.  She would sing loud while I was a little more quiet.  (Don't worry, she knows this is the truth and wouldn't be offended by the comment.  :o)  Some songs were fun and crazy.  Then when songs like "Someone Else's Star" by Bryan White came on, we would get really quiet and just know that he was singing about us.

I don't listen to country music very often any more.  One night last week I was driving home from church.  I was alone.  It was dark.  I wanted to sing to the radio.  I turned on WFRN, but it was Odyssey time....not really for me.  Then I hit Pulse, but it was a commercial break.  So next I switched over the the country station.  I don't really remember what was playing at first.  It was a song I knew, so at least I fulfilled my urge to sing out loud and alone in the car.

The next song on was "Unanswered Prayers" by Garth Brooks.  I know, the song can be a little cheesy.  But I knew the words and continued to sing a long.  The words made me start to reflect a little on my own life.  Now, I don't think God leaves prayers unanswered.  Sometimes he answers yes, sometimes wait and sometimes his answer is just no.  I think sometimes we feel like it was unanswered when we don't get the results we want in a timely fashion.

Anyway, it made me think about my past.  The things I've prayed for and wanted so badly.  And you know what?  I am so very thankful that his answer was "no".  Like most people, I have chosen to be in bad relationships and friendships.  The people I was with and the things that we did together didn't honor God and they weren't healthy for me.  At the time, in the back of my mind, I knew these things.  I knew they were poor choices, but even still I prayed that God would help everything thing to work out with that person or those friends.  I spent many nights up crying and begging God to answer my prayers with a yes.

That night in the car I spent some time thinking about what my life might be like now if I'd gotten what I so badly wanted then.  I am so thankful.  I am so glad that I serve a God who loves me.  A Father that won't always give me what I want, what I think is best or what I deserve.  A God who tells me "no".

If I had gotten what I wanted then, I may not even have a relationship with God now.  I wouldn't be with my amazing and loving husband.  I wouldn't have my three handsome and crazy boys.  I am blessed, because his answer was "no".

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm afraid of the dark.

Yep.  I said it.  I am afraid of the dark.  Well, I guess it's not really the dark itself but more of what is in or could be in the dark.  When Denver is away over night I hardly sleep.  I'm always afraid someone is going to break in and get us while he's gone.  I lay in bed staring at the door watching for someone.  I run through my mind what I would do if someone did break would I get to the boys...where is my could we get out of the house.  I know...I'm crazy.  It probably doesn't help that I really enjoy watching all those crime and cops shows on television.

I'm afraid of other things too.  I'm not talking about snakes or spiders although I can't say I'm particularly fond of them, but I'm thinking more about life.  Things that could happen. 

Sometimes when I read or hear stories about families with small children who suffer from awful diseases, it scares me.  It makes me grateful for the health of my children, but it also causes fear.  I mean, if it could happen to their kids then it could happen to mine.  That's scary stuff and I often wonder if I could handle going through something like that.

It scares me to think about myself becoming sick or hurt.  I mean, what if I had cancer or was in a serious car accident.  I know that Denver loves the boys beyond belief and would take wonderful care of them, but children need their mom right?  I love those little boogers.

The thing that is scaring me recently though is Denver's return trip to Haiti.  I wasn't really scared the first time he went.  I was anxious, but not fearful.  A week and a half before he went last time, I was on my own mission trip, so maybe I was just more distracted that time.  Whatever the reason, this time I am scared.  What if something happens to him?  What would I do without him?  What would the boys do without their daddy?  How could we keep our house?  Where could I find a job?  Who would watch the boys while I was at my job?  How could I even function without him? 

Denver knows that I have these fears.  He keeps telling me, "Don't be afraid.  God doesn't give us a spirit of fear."  My response is "Yes, dear.  Easy for you to say.  I'm just being realistic."  However, after doing some reading and praying today, I realize what I'm really saying is "My faith is small."

See, Denver has been called to Haiti.  He has no doubt and neither do I.  God has a job for him there.  He's following God's will.  So I'm saying, "God, I don't trust you.  I don't have faith in you."  Ouch....not exactly what I want to say. 

The good news is:
  • faith banishes fear
  • faith breeds praise
  • when I am praising God my fears fade and my faith flourishes. 
So it all starts with a little faith and a little praise.  So I'm going to try.  I'm going to set aside my fears and grab on to my faith.  I am going to praise my Heavenly Father.  I am going to give him my fears and let him work in my life.  I know this doesn't mean that my boys won't get sick, or that I won't have some terrible accident or that Denver is guaranteed to be safe it Haiti.  But it does mean that I trust my God to be with me.  I trust that he has a plan for me and my family.  A plan not to harm us...a plan to give us a hope and a future.  This will be hard for me.  I may need some reminders from my friends.  But this is what I want.  I want to trust...I want to have faith.

“When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?"     
Psalm 56:3-4
So what are you afraid of today?  What keeps you awake at night?  Do you want to live a life of fear or can you grab on to your faith instead? 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our Story

Today marks our Eighth Anniversary.  I posted this on Facebook today and was very blessed by all those who took the time to wish us happy anniversary.  We are very fortunate to know so many people who care about us. 

Our Wedding Day
February 1, 2003
As I was reading the comments, the one that stuck with me the most was from a family member who wrote, "wow!  a lot has happened in 8 years."  She's right.  A lot has happened.  What really drove it home though are the names of all the people that commented on my post.  Most of them are people that Denver and I have met and known along those 8 years.  We've been in a lot of places, hit a lot of valleys, climbed a lot of mountains and been blessed beyond belief. 

We have served in three churches, lived in eight different houses/apartments, had three handsome boys, lost a special uncle, went through illnesses with my mom and Denver's mom, lost Denver's mom, gone on mission trips, bought our first home and on and on and on...  These are just a few big things off of the top of my head.  We been through and done a lot. 

As I sit and think about this tonight I find I am so thankful that God led me to Denver.  I am so thankful that I was able to do all these things and go through all of these things with my best friend.  I am thankful to be married to a man of God, a wonderful father, a loving husband, a caring pastor, a loyal friend.  I am thankful to be married to a man that always tries to do the right thing even when it's hard or uncomfortable.  To a man who encourages me to be better.  I am truly blessed.

So now that I've been all mushy about our marriage, I'll leave you with a funny story.  Are you interested in why we were married on February 1st?  Two reasons.  First, the date would have been my maternal grandparents 50th anniversary.  Second, the lease on Denver's apartment ran out on January 31st and he was going to need a place to stay.  ha!  True story!